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The Cymbroghi, which literally means "The Free People", was founded by the first Mainorat clans who arrived from Orya. Dispersed, their boats broken, delivered to the hostile lands of Kandorya, the clans gathered under the banner of Skogul and built the city of Traskavtroll (The Marsh of the Trolls).

Despite their coming together, it was only under the command of Jonak the Unifier that the clans truly united. Today all clan members, whether major clan or minor clan, have the right to speak freely in the Thing (people's council). Although each cymbroghi is free of its destiny, the Cymbroghi is, more specifically, represented by the Restricted Thing gathering the representatives of each specialty (warrior, diplomat, doctor, shaman,...) as well as the leader of each clan .

Through their shamans, the cymbroghis follow the Totemic Entities. The four totems, Kfar, Stigmatus, Oceanos and Cornelius each represent facets of humanity. They are guides with their strengths and weaknesses like the Cymbroghi people they have chosen to defend the freedom of all.

Fierce and powerful warriors, cymbroghis march to battle to the sound of their motto "Live Free or Die". They are particularly fond of the ax and the shield forming a veritable wall on the battlefield. Despite holding a deep grudge, they are staunch allies who know the meaning of honor and speak their minds to those who earn their respect.

Far from being the "barbarians" that we imagine, the cymbroghis have a sense of commerce and master many fields such as magic, crafts or medicine (especially experimental).

Having easy contact, they welcome among them, anyone who thirsts for freedom.

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The Lynx are a clan from the southern mountains of Mainorat. They lived there in relative peace, hunting and trading with neighboring peoples (Dwarfs, Baronies, Empire Mulkesh, pirates...).


Then a massive drought in their territory forced them to migrate to the shores. Then onto Kandorya. But the trip cost their Jarl their life... A warrior took over the leadership of the Lynx and decided to make it a nomadic clan.


Since then, they have become efficient traders, explorers and craftsmen. Their talents are varied thanks to the wide cultural and religious openness of the clan.

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The Blood Peak clan owes its name to a sad story that occurred shortly after it settled on Kandorya.


Initially, the members of this clan were from the Laksefiske clan, whose village was at the foot of the Mainorat d'Orya mountains, bordering a lake. During the colonization, an expedition left to settle on the new continent in order to find an escape from the Mulkesh invasion.


After long weeks of travel, the group found a peaceful place by a lake and on the side of a solitary peak. After a few months, the settlers had built a real village, returning to their old habits. But this precarious peace did not last. Orcs, numerous, brutal, launched raids more and more violent until the day when the defenses gave way. The dead were numerous and the few survivors had to embark on a long journey to reach Traskavtroll. Since then, the clan has been doing its best to rebuild itself, but it will never forget the massacre at the Solitary Peak.


The Blood Peak clan is mostly made up of artisans, but it also has great warriors in its ranks. Following the long pilgrimage, the members of the clan are very close and have great confidence in each other.

Since the death of Chief Osbern, there is no longer a single chief.

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